Areas of Family Law Expertise

Our firm offers a full range of family law services including advice on:

  • Divorce
  • Dissolution of Civil Partnerships
  • Pre-Nuptial Agreements
  • Cohabitation Agreements
  • Separation Agreements
  • Financial Matters upon Separation, Divorce or Dissolution of Civil Partnership
  • Maintenance Claims
  • Children Matters
  • International Aspects of Children and Financial Matters
  • Emergency Injunctions
  • Inheritance Act Claims

We are committed to providing our clients with an excellent service and expert family advice. We aim to give our clients practical solutions to their family disputes.

We Act Quickly

We always act swiftly to ensure our clients’ interests are protected, for example immediately protecting assets at risk of disposal with injunctions, obtaining the relevant Children Act Orders on an urgent basis if a child is at risk, or seeking without notice protection orders in domestic violence cases.

Less urgent matters are no less important, and are always dealt with in a timely manner, with our clients’ best interests at the fore.

The Best Advice

Should there be issues that fall outside our areas of expertise, for example if specialist financial, tax or pensions advice is required, we advise on where to seek the relevant expert advice.

Where Mediation is appropriate, we refer our clients to a Mediator and explain and guide our clients through the process. We also advise our clients on proposed agreements and ensure that any agreement reached at Mediation is properly set out in a binding document or Court Order.

We are confident that we will be able to help with any family law issue you may have. If you think we can help you, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Call Vanessa Dugdale Family Solicitor
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